Thursday, April 15, 2010

( Dirge ) Exsultate, Jubilate ! - ( Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart )

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( Dirge ) A Bird Flew In - ( Anne Van Schothorst )

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( Dirge ) Jubilate, Jubilate ! ( Brother Buxtehude )

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( Dirge ) The Power of Love - Helene Fischer .

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( Dirge ) Ave Maria - Helene Fischer .

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( Retrospective Witness ) On Visions .

Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."
What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?
Generations come and generations go, but the earth abides forever.
The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.
All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.
All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
(Book Of Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, NIV).

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( Contemporary Witness ) On Visions .

"Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."
What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?
Generations come and generations go, but the earth abides forever.
The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.
All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.
All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
(Book Of Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, NIV).

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( Illustration ) True Seekers Foremost Look Within, Not Without ( Alone ).

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( Illustration ) The Triangle of the Pure Mystic's Contemplation .

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( Illustration ) The Pilgrim's Triangle .

A S A B O V E , S O B E L O W : : A S I N T H E O U T E R S O I N T H E I N N E R .

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( Illustration ) The Superior Triangle .

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( Illustration ) The Mundane Triangle .

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( Illustration ) Sublime Creation As Immediately Observable.

Rotating a circle about a line tangent to it creates a torus, which is similar to a donut shape where the center exactly touches all the "rotated circles." The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an example of the classic "map problem" where one tries to find a map where the least number of unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed, meaning that the torus has a high degree of "communication" across its surface. The image shown is a "birds-eye" view. ( Mundane Source )

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( Illustration ) On Balance .

This spiral generated by a recursive nest of Golden Triangles (triangles with relative side lengths of 1, phi and phi) is the classic shape of the Chambered Nautilus shell. The creature building this shell uses the same proportions for each expanded chamber that is added; growth follows a law which is everywhere the same. The outer triangle is the same as one of the five "arms" of the pentagonal graphic ab. ( Mundane Reference )

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( Illustration ) The External World Is The Internal World .

"The progression from point (0-dimensional) to line (1-dimensional) to plane (2-dimensional) to space (3-dimensional) and beyond leads us to the question - if mapping from higher order dimensions to lower ones loses vital information (as we can readily observe with optical illusions resulting from third to second dimensional mapping), does our "fixation" with a 3-dimensional space introduce crucial distortions in our view of reality that a higher-dimensional perspective would not lead us to?" ( The Curious Scientist, Thus Enquirede § Source ).

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( Illustration ) On Christed Relations .

A Y O U :. A N D A M E : . I S O N E W H O L E O F A W E : .

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( Illustration ) On Balance .

E A S T , W E S T , N O R T H , S O U T H : I N S I D E , O U T S I D E .

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( Dirge ) The Tree of Life .

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( Passage ) On Stillness .

The holy Fathers attach a great importance and weight to the inner purity of man, to the struggle to attain inner peace and inner freedom. This inner state of peace and freedom comes through Hesychasm and is what can be called godly stillness. From the great number of patristic passages I Shall select the teaching of Abba Isaac the Syrian.

The Saint writes that carefree and Christlike hesychia " is a higher station than that of the almsgiver . . . Almsgiving is like the rearing of children, but stillness is the summit of perfection". He who has the care of many " is the slave of many". He who has forsaken all and cares for the state of his own soul " is a friend of God".

There are many who concern themselves with the first work, but those who do the second, hesychia, are rare.

In another place Abba Isaac the Syrian is astonishing. He compares those who perform miracles and signs in the world with those who practise hesychia, who live in stillness, and he finds the latter superior to the former. Concretely, he writes : "Do not compare those who work signs and wonders and mighty acts in the world with those who practise stillness and knowledge. Love the idleness of stillness above providing for the world's starving and the conversion of a multitude of heathen to the worship of God. It is better for you to free yourself from the shackles of sin than to free slaves from their slavery. It is better for you to make peace with your soul, causing concord to reign over the trinity within you ( I mean the body, soul, and the spirit ), than by your teaching to bring peace among men at variance."

( Source )

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( Passage ) The Great Importance of Man.

The Fathers placed great emphasis on man. He is the crown of creation, the microcosm and the macrocosm, the epitome of creation. It is through man that all other problems are solved. To be sure, it is possible that they cannot be solved generally and objectively, but man, through his rebirth, is not limited by them, he transcends them and in fact solves them within the limits of his personal life. The problems do not touch him, they do not block his freedom. Man reborn, as a person, exists and lives in deep peace, apart from the existing social disorders. He loves, in spite of the tragicalness of human life. He comes out of the prison of the senses, and he transcends even death itself.

( Source )
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( Passage ) On "Dogmas" .

The teaching about the human person is an existential fact. When the Fathers busied themselves with theological topics, they did not do it out of philosophical interest, but because they were sure that distortion of the dogma about God seriously upsets the matter of of man's salvation. Moreover, the dogmas are medicines which cure man and guide him to acquiring health. The same is true concerning man. Our occupation with the question of what is man, what is his ontology, what are his interpersonal relations, what is the depth of man's purpose, are topics which form the essential part of Christianity, but which also interest man directly. Moreover, the so-called existential problems have first place in contemporary life.

Analyses of the person are essential, because within this framework can we solve the social problems as well. A society can not exist without man. Man is making our society and all the social institutions ill. A person who is ill creates various disturbances and is a divisive factor. The mask is what destroys the unity of Society. If a man is not a real person, he cannot live in love and freedom. Societies automatically become dominated by tyranny and hatred.

I do not mean by saying this that we expect man to improve first, and society after that. But the struggles must go on in parallel, with priority given to the cure of man. Those who give priority to the social problems are unaware of the reality and are also possessed by a western notion of how these problems are solved. They are possessed by the illusion that the improvement of social customs will bring the improvement of man. But the reality is tragic. For peace and justice to prevail without man being cured, without his becoming true man, would reveal the whole tragedy of existence. And then no one would be able to cure him.

( Source )
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( Passage ) On Mundane Philosophers and Christed Seekers of Wisdom Divine.

" . . . And Speaking of the glory of the Apostle Peter, he asks : " Where now is Greece, with her big pretensions? Where the name of Athens? Where the ravings of the philosophers?" The philosophers did not reach the Kingdom of Heaven because they did not take the royal road which is easy and smooth, but they trod "the rough and steep and arduous one".

In answer to the question whether Christ exercised his influence on Plato and Pythagoras, he says characteristically : " Because the mind of Peter was much more philosophical than theirs. They were in truth Children shifted about on all sides by vain glory ; but this man was a philosopher, one receptive to grace." So there is godly philosophy and there is wordly philosophy. The godly philosophy is really theology, which is a fruit of the coming of the Holy Spirit to the heart of man.

After this observation the saint says : " If you laugh when you hear these things, it is no wonder ; for even those who were in Jerusalem at Pentecost and saw the joy of the Apostles said that they were drunk". He goes on to describe Plato and his teachings. "He wasted his time over a set of idle and useless dogmas". And it is unnecessary because it is no help to us to know that the soul of the philosopher becomes a fly. And characterising Plato, he says : " the man was full of irony, and of jealous feelings against everyone else".

He employs various examples to say that the devil was working on the philosophers and making them create such theories : "For the devil has always endeavored by these means to show that our race is not more honorable than that of the animals."

( Source )

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( Creation ) The Divine Nature of Water

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( Symbolism ) Seventy Seven


According to R. Allendy, this number joins the part of evolution to the whole evolution - report of the cosmic evolution and the individual evolution.

Symbol of sinners who lived before the arrival of the Christ according to Fathers' of the Church, because this number is the product of 7, the creature evolving, by 11, the transgression.

For Saint Augustin, it is the last limit of the sin since this number is the product of 11, number of the sin, by 7, number of the perfection.

According to Jacob Boehme, 77 is the total number of the divine revelation thanks to the Word formed. Because starting from only one Verb speaking and a unique vital spirit, it exit 77 languages of which "five belong to the Spirit of God who speaks by his children when and as He wants; but the sixty-twelve others belong to the persons and to the human particularities by which speaking the own intelligence of the man, telling at the same time lies and truths. Also the sixty-twelve languages, that is to say Babel, must pass by the court of God and the pure has to be separated from the impure and to undergo the test of the fire".


Number of times is necessary to forgive offenses (Mt 18,22). However, according to other references, such as NRSV Bible, some Protestant editions, or in the visions of Maria Valtorta, Jesus asks to forgive 70 times 7 times.

The 77 generations of Adam to the Christ according to the evangelist of Luke. (Lk 3,23-38)

Cain is avenged 7 times but Lamek, 77 times. (Gn 4,24)


In the mystical Jew, according to a fragment originated from the Merkaba shelema, Jerusalem 1922 (one of the two most important texts of Shi'ur Qoma) it concerns the "greatness" of our Lord: "Rabbi Ismael says: Metatron, the great Prince of the testimony told me: About YHWH, the God of Israel, the living and constant God, our Lord and master, I certify what follows: From the residence of his glory (that is to say from the throne) further down there are 118 myriads. Its height is 236 myriads and thousand miles. From his right arm to his left arm there are 77 myriads. From his right pupil to his left pupil there are 30 myriades. His brainpan is 3 myriads and a third. The crowns on his head are 60 myriads which corresponds to the 60 myriads of heads in Israel." (folio 34a-b)

The iridium, Ir, atomic number 77, is a white metal which the name is a derivative of the Greek word "iris" meaning" rainbow". It is under the sign of the rainbow that God concludes his Alliance between him and the humanity, and the Christian remains in this Alliance if he forgives 77 times the faults of his brothers (Mt 18,22).

Zarathustra died at the age of 77 years.

The twelfth perfect number, number of which the sum of its dividers gives the same number, contains 77 numbers. Let us mention that the first five perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128 and 33550336. At the present time we know 24 perfect numbers, the last one being 2^19936 x (2^19937-1). That last number has 12003 numbers. All the known perfect numbers are even and we don't know if there is an odd perfect number. But the mathematician Bryant Tuckerman has demonstrated that, if a such number existed, it would be higher than 1036.

Halley's comet, turning around the sun, reappears approximately every 77 years.

Birthday of a person in Japan: happy long life - kiju.


In the discussions of Vassula with Jesus, This one often asks her to end the dictation of her letters by the mark of his name, that is to say "fish" written in Greek, icqus. By using the gematria in "n", that gives 77 = 9+22+8+20+18.

With the gematria in "n", 77 is the sum of two numbers in facing: 34 value of the Hebrew word spirit, 20+6+8=34; and 43, number of the Hebrew word flesh, 2+21+20=43. That reminds us that the Son of God become man (flesh) in order that the man rises up towards God (spirit). The flesh and the spirit are then complementary: the flesh bearing the spirit and the fruit of the work of the Spirit will be the salvation of the flesh which will receive the incorruptibility.

According to the revelations of Our Lord to J.N.S.R. (just as with other mystics), France is great to the eyes of God because it has and will have a great role to fulfil in the propagation of the Faith. In Hebrew, the word "France" gives 77 = 18+20+17+22 by using the gematria in "n".

The numerical value of the Hebrew word BGhE, meaning to pray, gives 77.

By using as correspondence table A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26, we find that the French word "BIBLIQUE" (biblical) = 77.


The number 77 is used 3 times in the Bible of Jerusalem. However, in others biblical translations, like the NRSV for example, to chapter 8 verse 35 from the book of Ezra, 77 lambs, and not 72, served holocaust to the God of Israel. We also read, always in the NRSV, to Mt 18,22, "70 times 7 times" instead of "77 times".

The number 50 is used 77 times in the Bible.

The verb to forgive, the sinner word and the name of Elias are used 77 times in the OT. The words garden and refuge are used 77 times in the Bible.

The verb "to feed" is used 77 times in the NRSC.

In the Bible, 77 numbers are used 2 times. Here, the number 280 thousands is interpreted quantitative manner, that is to say 280000.

In the Bible, 77 numbers are multiple of sixteen by counting "ten thousand times ten thousand" (Dn 7,10) as being an additional number equal to 100000000.

In the NT, the sum of the occurrences of the numbers located between 17 and 153 (cardinal form only because in this interval there is no ordinal number) gives 77.

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